Property Highlights

A district-scale, polymetallic property located in the Liard Mining Division, adjacent to the historic Cassiar mining district, in Cassiar BC, Canada

Additional Ag-Pb-Zn Replacement Showings

Upper D: Historical drilling returned 240 g/t Ag, 4.7% Pb, and 4.7% Zn over 7.6m.

Granite Creek: Historical drilling cut 11.7 g/t Ag and 14.0% Zn over 3.0m.

Further Showings: 11 additional Ag-Pb-Zn replacement showings identified across the property.

1. Magno Zone

Defined by a 1,200m-long, east-west striking, steeply dipping vein structure Historical drilling (non-43-101 compliant) indicates 446,684 tonnes grading 141.7 g/t Ag, 4.84% Pb, and 4.59% Zn over an average width of 3.5m

1. Magno Zone

Defined by a 1,200m-long, east-west striking, steeply dipping vein structure Historical drilling (non-43-101 compliant) indicates 446,684 tonnes grading 141.7 g/t Ag, 4.84% Pb, and 4.59% Zn over an average width of 3.5m

1. Magno Zone

Defined by a 1,200m-long, east-west striking, steeply dipping vein structure Historical drilling (non-43-101 compliant) indicates 446,684 tonnes grading 141.7 g/t Ag, 4.84% Pb, and 4.59% Zn over an average width of 3.5m

2. Middle D Zone

Drill-indicated (non-43-101 compliant) resource of 90,000 tonnes grading 70 g/t Ag, 3.3% Pb, and 6.3% Zn, with values up to 6.5% Sn.

2. Middle D Zone

Drill-indicated (non-43-101 compliant) resource of 90,000 tonnes grading 70 g/t Ag, 3.3% Pb, and 6.3% Zn, with values up to 6.5% Sn.

2. Middle D Zone

Drill-indicated (non-43-101 compliant) resource of 90,000 tonnes grading 70 g/t Ag, 3.3% Pb, and 6.3% Zn, with values up to 6.5% Sn.

Location: 4 km south of Cassiar, BC

Magno Zone

Magno Zone

Geology: Hosted in Lower Cambrian Rosella Formation limestones, with mineralization along a 1,200m east-trending fault zone.

Mineralization: Replacement bodies of galena, sphalerite, magnetite, pyrite, and pyrolusite. Altered limestone with dolomitization

Magno West

200,487 tonnes @ 198.8 g/t Ag, 5.4% Pb, 3.4% Zn.

Magno Mid

77,100 tonnes @ 258.5 g/t Ag, 9.43% Pb, 5.34% Zn.

Magno East

129,273 tonnes @ 131.0 g/t Ag, 4.0% Pb, 4.4% Zn.

Middle D

81,650 tonnes @ 20.0 g/t Ag, 3.3% Pb, 6.3% Zn.

Total Resource

488,510 tonnes @ 168 g/t Ag, 5.3% Pb, 4.46% Zn

Location: 1 km southwest of Cassiar, BC

Upper D Zone

Upper D Zone

Geology: Dolomitized Lower Cambrian Atan Group limestone with mineralization in faulted and brecciated zones.

Mineralization: Galena, sphalerite, magnetite, pyrite with dolomite, rhodochrosite, and chlorite gangue.

Drilling Results Highlights

7.6m @ 240 g/t Ag, 4.74% Zn, 4.73% Pb, and 0.069 g/t Au.

Historical Exploration

66 km of geophysics, 600m of diamond drilling in 7 holes.

Location: Location: South of Cassiar, BC

Middle D Zone

Middle D Zone

Geology: Hosted in Atan carbonates near the Marble Creek fault; extensive dolomitization.

Mineralization: Primarily galena and sphalerite, with siderite, tremolite, and magnetite.

Key Resource

90,000 tonnes @ 70 g/t ag, 3.3% Pb, 6.3% Zn.

Exploration program

Magnetic, IP, and EM serveys with additional diamond drilling

Location: 93 km north of Dease Lake, along Granite Creek.

Granite Creek

Granite Creek

Geology: Hosted in marble of the Atan Group, adjacent to Marble Creek fault.

Mineralization: Vein mineralization with galena, sphalerite, pyrite, and magnetite.

Drill Results Highlights

3.02m @ 11.66 g/t Ag, 14% Zn, 0.1% Pb, and 0.03% Sn.

Exploration program

Mapped, sampled, and surveyed over 66 km, with 600m of drilling across 7 holes.

Historic Underground Workings

Two adits, totaling 522 meters, were developed in the early 1970s within the Magno West zone

676 g/t Ag, 25.2% Pb, and 22.2% Zn over 1.8 meters;

818 g/t Ag, 27.7% Pb, and 2.5% Zn over 5.7 meters;

2,025 g/t Ag and 67.6% Pb over 1 meter

In 2002, assays from the Upper Adit revealed high values, including 2,280 g/t silver (Ag), 63.0% lead (Pb), and 3.3% zinc (Zn), indicating significant mineral potential.

In 2003, the new Magno North zone showed promising assays with up to 1,460 g/t silver, 38.0% lead, 3.7% zinc, and 0.5 g/t gold (Au), showcasing notable mineralization.

These findings underscore the high-grade mineral prospects of Upper Adit and Magno North, suggesting strong potential for further exploration and development.

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GoldHaven Resources Corp. is a Canadian junior metals exploration company focused on identifying and developing high-potential mineral assets across North and South America.

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GoldHaven Resources Corp. is a Canadian junior metals exploration company focused on identifying and developing high-potential mineral assets across North and South America.

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#2288 - 1177 W Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 2K3

+1 604 629 8254

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GoldHaven Resources Corp. is a Canadian junior metals exploration company focused on identifying and developing high-potential mineral assets across North and South America.

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#2288 - 1177 W Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 2K3

+1 604 629 8254

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